How to Clear Cache on iPhone 13


To clear cache on your iPhone 13, start by going to the Settings app and scrolling down to find the specific app you want to clear cache for. Tap on it and select ‘Clear Cache’ if available. For Safari, go to Settings, scroll down and select Safari, then choose ‘Clear History and Website Data’. Additionally, you can offload unused apps by going back to Settings, tapping on General, selecting [Device] Storage, and enabling ‘Offload Unused Apps’.

What Happens After Clearing Cache?

After you’ve cleared the cache, your iPhone 13 will work more smoothly, and you might notice it’s a bit faster. However, keep in mind that websites might take a longer time to load initially, as the device needs to download fresh data since the old cached data has been deleted.


Clearing cache on your iPhone 13 can sound like a techy task, but it’s actually pretty simple and straightforward. Over time, your phone accumulates cached data from the various apps and websites you use. While this data is meant to speed up your experience, it can sometimes lead to issues like decreased performance and glitches. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to clear the cache on your iPhone 13, so you can keep your device running smoothly.

Related: How to Clear History on iPhone 14

Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Open Settings

Navigate to the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone 13. This is the gateway to all of your phone’s main controls and options. You’ll find it on your home screen or in your app library.

Step 2: Locate the App

Scroll down through the list until you find the specific app whose cache you want to clear. This is where all the apps installed on your device are listed.

Step 3: Clear Cache or Offload App

If the app provides an option to ‘Clear Cache’, select it. If not, you can offload the app, which deletes the app but keeps its documents and data. Reinstall the app to clear its cache. For Safari, the process is slightly different (we’ll get to that).

Step 4: Clear Safari Cache

If you want to clear Safari cache, go back to the main ‘Settings’ menu, scroll down, and select ‘Safari’. Then, tap on ‘Clear History and Website Data’. This will clear all the cached data from Safari.

Step 5: Offload Unused Apps

For a more comprehensive clean-up, you can enable ‘Offload Unused Apps’. Go to ‘Settings’, tap on ‘General’, then select ‘[Device] Storage’ and enable ‘Offload Unused Apps’. This feature automatically removes apps you don’t use often but keeps their data.

Why Clear Cache?

Clearing cache on your iPhone 13 can resolve performance issues, free up storage space, and even fix some app-related bugs. It’s like giving your phone a fresh start, removing all the accumulated clutter that can slow down your device. Whether you’re facing specific issues or just want to keep your phone running smoothly, clearing the cache is a useful trick to know.

Pros of Clearing Cache

Boosts Performance

One of the most immediate benefits of clearing the cache is a boost in performance. Your iPhone 13 will likely run smoother and faster.

Frees Up Storage Space

Over time, cached data can take up a significant amount of space. Clearing it frees up storage for more important things like your photos and apps.

Resolves App-Related Issues

Sometimes, cached data can become corrupt, leading to app crashes and glitches. Clearing the cache can resolve these issues.

Cons of Clearing Cache

Initial Slowdown

After clearing the cache, websites and apps might load more slowly at first, as they need to download fresh data.

Loss of Personalization

Some apps use cached data to remember your preferences and personalize your experience. Clearing the cache might reset these preferences.

Additional Information

When clearing cache, it’s important to remember that you’re not deleting any important data or files – just temporary data meant to speed up your experience. It’s a safe and easy process that can significantly improve the performance of your iPhone 13.

Rephrased Summary of Steps

1. Navigate to Settings

Begin by opening the ‘Settings’ application on your iPhone 13.

2. Find the Specific App

Scroll through the list to find the app whose cache you want to clear.

3. Choose to Clear Cache or Offload App

If available, select ‘Clear Cache’. Otherwise, offload the app to clear its cache.

4. Clear Safari’s Cache

To clear Safari’s cache, go to ‘Safari’ in ‘Settings’ and tap ‘Clear History and Website Data’.

5. Enable Offload Unused Apps

Finally, consider enabling ‘Offload Unused Apps’ under ‘[Device] Storage’ in ‘Settings’.


Can clearing the cache delete any of my personal data?

No, clearing the cache only removes temporary files and won’t affect your personal data.

How often should I clear my cache?

It depends on your usage, but doing it once a month is a good practice to keep your phone running smoothly.

Will clearing the cache make my phone faster?

Yes, it can improve the performance of your iPhone 13 by freeing up storage and resolving glitches.

What does ‘Offload Unused Apps’ do?

This feature automatically removes apps you haven’t used in a while but keeps their data. When you reinstall the app, all your data is still there.

Can I clear the cache for all apps at once?

No, you need to clear the cache for each app individually unless you use ‘Offload Unused Apps’ for a more comprehensive clean-up.


Keeping your iPhone 13 running smoothly is crucial, and clearing the cache is a simple yet effective way to do so. Whether you want to free up storage, boost performance, or resolve app-related issues, this guide has shown you how to clear the cache in a few easy steps. Remember, a little maintenance goes a long way in ensuring a seamless and enjoyable user experience on your iPhone.